
The 11th National Congress of CSBT Held in Dalian

The 11th National Congress of CSBT, hosted by CSBT, undertaken by Education Committee of CSBT (CSBT/EC), Institute of Blood Transfusion (Chinese Academy of Medical Science) and Dalian Blood Centre was successfully held from September 21 to 23, 2022. This live online broadcast forum was rewarding and meaningful to nationwide transfusion peers.


At the opening ceremony on September 21, President ZHU Yongming and other leaders of CSBT delivered speeches, which was presided over by Vice President YANG Huichuan. After the opening ceremony, conference reports, session reports and satellite sessions started via live broadcast. During 3 days, this congress streamed 33 conferences in 2 parallel sessions, including the opening and closing ceremonies, 2 conference reports, 6 satellite sessions, and 23 sessions held simultaneously by A/B venue. Six top experts at home and abroad were invited to share their wonderful reports, including Dr CAI Wei, Director of the Department of Blood Transfusion, Stanford University; Dr Daniele Ragne, French Blood Centre/French Blood Authority; Researcher WANG Xun, Shanghai Blood Centre; Researcher ZHAN Linsheng, Military Medical Research Institute, Military Academy of Sciences; Professor FU Yongshui, Guangzhou Blood Centre; and Professor YU Jia, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. A total of 10 guidance reports and 166 oral speeches were invited in each sub venue.


On the afternoon of September 23, the three-day live broadcasting Congress was successfully completed. President ZHU made a summary at the closing ceremony, which was witnessed by the online participants together with the conference hosts, presenters, branch secretaries, conference staff and other colleagues who had worked hard for the conference. DAI Suna, Vice President and Secretary-General of CSBT, presided over the closing ceremony. 


The conference received a total of 1502 submissions, including 858 full-texts and 644 abstracts. The Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion accepted 30 full-text ones. The conference proceedings including 1304 manuscripts and 872 posters were displayed on the website. At the closing ceremony, LA Guangzhong, from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture Regional Blood Bank, was awarded the Seedling Program. DUO Ji and WANG Shenglan from blood banks in remote areas were awarded the Hand in Hand Program. Forty-five speakers, including XU Min, were voted by the audience as the Best Oral Communication Speakers.


President ZHU once again expressed his heartfelt thanks to the organizers, participating parties, fraternal associations (societies), members of the Scientific Committee of the Congress, the Editorial Board of the Chinese Journal of Blood Transfusion, as well as all the presenters, reporters and speakers, the organizers of Satellite Meeting, Secretariat of CSBT and the live broadcast service company for their concerted efforts and hard work; and expressed congratulations on the success of this Congress!



Source: the CSBT Secretariat 

Translated by YU Zhixuan

Reviewed by FENG Chenchen, JIANG Nizhen