
Shanghai Blood Center Successfully Passes the 2nd GB / T 19001-2008 Quality System Audit

From May 3 to 5, 2017, Shanghai Quality System Audit Center conducted an inspection and audit of a total of 18 relevant sites from seven department and 13 divisions of Shanghai Blood Center according to the standards of GB / T 19001-2008, industry applicable laws and regulations, and the central system documents. The audit was led by senior auditor Zhou Dihong, with senior auditors Zhang Yuping and Feng Guoping as team members. 

After the three-day review, the audit team reached a consensus as following: the blood center’s quality program was generally understood by staff; the objectives of the quality program have achieved good results; resource allocation has been sufficient; a successful system for self-improvement has been established. The operation of the quality system meets the requirement of the standards and laws, is effective and can be continually improved. The review team recommended issuing continued quality certification. At the same time, the audit team made three recommendations: First, as the center is achieving AABB accreditation, the center should also pay close attention to changes in the updated GB / T 19001-2015 version; second, further refine the procedures and standardization of routine operation to maintain service quality and blood quality as always; and third, expand the area of data analysis to help support promotion of the center’s public reputation. Lastly, the audit team expressed gratitude for the center’s comprehensive support during the auditing process.

At the closing meeting, on behalf of the center, SBC Director Lu Taohong thanked the audit team’s experts for their professional and dedicated work. He stated that the center will conduct careful analyze and consider the feedback and suggestions provided by the audit team and will implement improvement measures accordingly. Director Lu also instructed that while the center is engaged in the recently launched Quality and Safety Month activities, every department should place quality work as top priority to ensure blood safety and the effective operation of the system, 


 Reported by Xu Xuejin

Reviewed by Shen Wu
Translated by Yang Jianhao

Edited by Kurt Lee

The first audit meeting

Group A audits at the Liyuan donation site

Group B audits at the Component Laboratory

Group C audits at the Information Management Department