
Meeting of WHO Collaborating Centres and Key Implementing Partners for Blood & Transfusion Safet

On May 16th ~18th 2018, the Meeting of WHO Collaborating Centres and Key Implementing Partners for Blood & Transfusion Safety was held in CITIC Pacific ZhujiajiaoJinjiang Hotel in Shanghai. 

Director of the department of Service Delivery and Safety (SDS) of WHO Dr. Hernan Montenegro, Deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission Mr. Wen Daxiang, Director of Medical Safety and Blood Office of National Health Committee Mr. Gao Xinqiang, Chairman of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion Professor Zhu Yongming attended the opening ceremony. President of Shanghai Blood Center Mr. Lu Taohong presided over the opening ceremony.

The meeting was sponsored by SDS of WHO and Shanghai Blood Center /WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services. More than 27 people from WHO headquarters and WHO regional offices, National Representative Office, guilds and international organizations in the field of blood transfusion attended the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to coordinate the work of the WHO Collaborating Centers and key implementing partners in supporting WHO blood safety activities at the global, regional and national level.

In the conference, the global information and successful experiences on policies and strategies in the developing of the blood safety system, the efforts made by countries to promote the "Melbourne declaration -100% VNRBD" was reviewed. How to obtain adequate, affordable and safe blood and make use of blood more reasonably and fairly was also discussed during the conference.

The challenges faced by countries and regions in the safety of blood supply and blood transfusion were analyzed in 7 developing countries and 3 WHO regions, and activities required for further improving blood safety and availability were listed.

11 WHO blood transfusion related collaborating centers and non-governmental organizations introduced their contributions to the development of blood transfusion respectively.

The meeting also aimed to share blood management experience with other countries to further strengthen cooperation with the Chinese government and research institutions in blood and blood transfusion safety and in the “One Belt and One Road” initiative. Deputy Director of Medical Safety and Blood Office of National Health Committee Ms. Zhang Rui gave a special report on the progress of blood safety in China. In group discussion, delegations from Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mongolia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan also discussed on how to improve collaboration on transfusion safety and availability under the framework of the “One Belt and One Road”.

Reported by Li Ruishu
Photographed by Fan Liangfeng
Reviewed by Wang Xun
Edited by Kurt Lee