
No Love, no gains ——Blood Donation in Chongqing on Labors' Day

May is a warm season with a special festival for workers. During the May day holiday, Chongqing blood center held a lively street campaign to repay blood donors.


The enthusiasm of blood donors was not prevented by the continuous rainy weather. Many citizens bravely rolled up their sleeves to donate blood, and some family even donate together. And they all received holiday gifts for donors prepared by staff of blood center to celebrate May Day.


In the 5-day holiday, a total of 292,000 mL of whole blood and 449 Units of apheresis platelets were collected from 1,105 citizens.


Chongqing blood center will, as always, carry out various campaigns to repay blood donors in future days.




Reported by Chongqing blood center

Translated by ZHANG Ruoyang;

Reviewed by MA Ling, JIANG Nizhen