
Blood Donation Brightens Shenzhen

On June 14th2022while the World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) was celebrated in the city of Shenzhen, the Mission Hills blood donation site was formally put into service. The attendees of the ceremony included leaders from the Health Commission of Shenzhen MunicipalityMunicipal Red Cross Society and other related departments making great effort during the construction of Mission Hills blood donation site, as well as delegates of blood donors and volunteers.

The Mission Hills blood donation site, which has been intellectualized into the 3.0 version, not only meets the needs of citizens for blood donationbut also serves as a new icon for the neighborhoods.

The propaganda film Join the Effort and Save Lives, shot by Shenzhen Blood Center for WBDDexpresses the gratitude of three main groups of blood recipients to blood donors through 3 heartwarming stories. Once launched, the film was praised by domestic peers and widely shared by network media and blood donors, with over 1 million broadcasts.

Blood donation in Shenzhen brightens and warms the city, making it a splendid scenery.

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Source: Shenzhen Blood Center

Translated by TANG Dingjie;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen