
2022 National Annual Meeting on Clinical Transfusion Medicine Held

On December 14, 2022 National Annual Meeting on Clinical Transfusion Medicine was hosted by CSBT and Working Party on Clinical Transfusion of CSBT(CSBT/T), through live stream, inviting 17 well-known experts to present online, and providing an academic feast during the two-day meeting.

The vice president of the CSBT, chair of the CSBT/T, Professor HU Lihua from Union Hospital Tong Ji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology, delivered the welcome address, expressing her most sincere respects and thanks to all the peers in blood transfusion field across the country.

Whereafter, Professor ZHU Yongming, the president of CSBT, also made a speech, welcoming all the peers attending the meeting, and expressed gratitude to all the lecturers. During his speech, Professor ZHU highly praised the work of CSBT/T under Professor HU, for playing an academic leading role, uniting domestic transfusion medicine departments, clinical experts and peers in all levels, and also for achieving the CSBT annual goals and requirements, which has greatly promoted the industrial construction and improved the professionalism of clinical transfusion medicine. In the end of his speech, he also expressed his thanks and congratulations to Professor Hu and all the members and experts of CSBT/T.

This meeting involved nearly 6,000 registrations, with more than 30,000 views.


Source: CSBT Secretariat.

Translated by ZHANG Rui

Reviewed by MA Ling, ZHU Shanshan.