
CSBT-Memorabilia 2017

1. February 23, 2017   The second meeting of the 7th CSBT Council was held in Haikou

This meeting discussed several important items, including review and approval of CSBT 2017 work plan and annual budget, approval of CSBT’s Branch Regulations and Branch Setting Proposal, as well as the appointment of 24 leaders of the CSBT branches.

2. April - November 2017  Various sporting events within the national blood transfusion system were carried out

The first Yangtze River Delta Blood Centers Table Tennis and Badminton Competitions were held in Hangzhou on April 21, 2017. The 6th Guangxi Province Blood Bank System Gas Volleyball Competition was held in the Pingguo County Gymnasium in Baise, Guangxi Province on October 12th. On November 7th, the 2nd Shangdong Province Blood Bank System Table Tennis Competition was successfully held in the Voluntary Blood Donors’ Activity Center in Jining, Shandong Province. A badminton competition within the Jiangsu Province blood bank system was also successfully held in Yangzhou in 2017. These series of events have been successful in promoting fitness, communication, and the industrial cultural construction of the blood banks systems.

3. May - September 2017   CSBT established 24 professional branches

From May 5th when the Working Party on Heamovigilance was established in Chongqing to September 15th, the date of founding of the Working Party on Logistics in Zhengzhou, CSBT has now completed the reconstruction and the establishment of its 24 professional working groups:

1 Working Party on Blood Donation Mobilization

2 Working Party on Blood Donation Service

3 Working Party on Blood Processing

4 Working Party on Transfusion Transmitted Infectious Diseases

5 Working Party on Immunohematology

6 Working Party on Histocompatibiliy

7 Working Party on Blood Equipment

8 Working Party on Logistics

9 Working Party on Blood Service Development

10 Working Party on Blood Quality Management

11 Working Party on Informatization

12 Working Party on Blood Transfusion Ethics

13 Working Party on Plasma Protein Products

14 Working Party on Clinical Transfusion Management

15 Working Party on Clinical Transfusion

16 Working Party on Cellular Therapies

17 Working Party on Haemovigilance

18 Management Committee

19 Culture Committee

20 Financial Committee

21 Human Resource Committee

22 Committee on Development of Middle and Small-Sized Blood Station

23 Education Committee

24Committee on Scientific Research of Transfusion Medicine 

4. June 1, 2017 CSBT’s official Wechat account was announced

The WeChat official account of CSBT will give our community visibility into the Society’s latest information and other hotspot news, with emphasis on immediacy, delightfulness and interactive experience for all readers. By the end of 2017, a total of 72 articles have been published.


5. June 14, 2017 New official website of CSBT launched

This innovated CSBT website focuses on the integrity of data and information, diversity of functionality, and professional classification of the web contents. By the end of 2017, nearly 2000 articles have been published.

6. June 14, 2017 Events on World Blood Donor Day

The theme of the 2017 World Blood Donor Day is “What can you do?”, with the sub-themes being “give blood, give now, give often”. On June 14th, a national main event to celebrate the World Blood Donor Day was held in Xi'an, Shanxi Province. During this event, honorable certificates were presented to the delegates who came across the country to represent the Advanced Provinces and Cities in Voluntary Blood Donation, the winners of the Blood Donation Dedication Gold Award, the winners of the Blood Donation Promotion Award, and the winners of the Blood Donation volunteer Service Award and Lifetime Honor Award. 

7. June 10-16, 2017  The 2nd "Light Up China" Blood Donation Campaign

The second “Light Up China” Blood Donation Campaign was jointly hosted by CSBT and Shenzhen Sharing Network Co., Ltd., and co-organized by 87 blood collection-and-supply organizations nationwide. During this 7 days event, a total of 1010369 people participated in the Care Alliance, and 356 cities were lit up on line.

8. June 14, 2017  Special Love Metro came into service in Changsha and Hangzhou

On June 14, through collaboration with Changsha Metro Group Co. Ltd. and Hunan Yavin Media Co., Ltd., Changsha Blood Center introduced the country’s first special metro line to publicize popular scientific knowledge for voluntary blood donation. On the same day, in Hangzhou, a 6-car train named Blood Donation Special Love Metro came into service on metro line 1 for the first time.


9. The end of June 2017   Compilation of Guidelines for Blood Safety Technology Inspection (Blood Station section) was completed.

Entrusted by the Medical Administration of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), and through collaboration with Shanghai Blood Center, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Institute of Blood Transfusion, NHFPC National Center for Clinical Examinations and 7 other entities, Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion successfully completed this project. Following this Guideline, the Medical Administration of NHFPC successfully created a training program on blood safety technical inspection.


10. August 2017   National Health and Family Planning System Commendation Conference convened

The National Health and Family Planning System Commendation Conference was held in August, 2017. In the conference, institutions including Cangzhou Central Blood Bank, Datong Central Blood Bank, Tongliao Central Blood Bank, Putian Central Blood Bank, Shangrao Central Blood Bank, Wuhan Blood Center, Zhangjiajie Central Blood Bank, Chenzhou Central Blood Bank, Loudi Downtown Blood Bank, Foshan Shunde Blood Center, Laibin Central Blood Bank, and Ziyang Central Blood Bank were awarded with a honorary title of Advanced Unit of the National Health and Family Planning System. Li Ping (Female), laboratorian of Beijing Red Cross Blood Center, Zhou Zhixiang, pharmacist of Jiangsu Province Blood Center, Xu Jian (Female), deputy director and deputy chief physician of Blood Center of Zhejiang Province, and Tu Dongjin, attending physician of Fujian Blood Center were awarded with a honorary title of Advanced Individulas of National Health and Family Planning System. 


11. August 27 - September 8, 2017   Accomplishment of blood security duties for the 13th National Games

During the 13th National Games, Tianjin Blood Center successfully accomplished their mission of blood security. Li yanqi, a winner of the National Blood Donation Gold Award, was selected as one of the five infield torchbearers for the opening ceremony.

12. September 6, 2017  The 4th Oriental Congress of Transfusion Medicine was held in Shanghai

The theme of the 4th Oriental Congress of Transfusion was "Transfusion Medicine: Opportunities and Challenges". Four forums were set up in the meeting, including blood collection and supply management, clinical transfusion, immune hematology and new transfusion technologies. More than 1,000 blood transfusion colleagues from all over the country attended the meeting.

13. September 7, 2017  The 1st Chinese Blood Products Industry Summit

The 1st Chinese Blood Products Industry Summit was held in Beijing. More than 100 people from 26 blood products enterprises, plasma collection stations, and investment and equipment companies both domestic and abroad attended the meeting. The summit offered five panels for discussion: production, standards, supervision, industry and clinical medicine.

14. September 21, 2017   CSBT & Weigao Scientific Research Fund was established

Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion and Shandong Weigao Medical Polymer Products co., LTD signed an agreement to establish a "CSBT & Weigao Scientific Research Fund". Weigao will make an annual donation of 500,000 CNY to CSBT until the end of 2021.

15. October 2017   Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provincial Blood Centers organized vocational skills competitions

On October 10, 2017, Blood Security Vocational Skills Competition of Jiangsu Health and Family Planning Systems was held in Nanjing. Sixty-five contestants from 13 local blood banks in the province took part in the competition. On October 23, 2017, the final contest of the 2017 Zhejiang Province Blood Collection-and-Supply Vocational Skills Competition took place in Hangzhou. Thirty-three first-line contestants from 11 cities in the province competed in 3 fields: blood collection, blood test and blood component preparation.

16. October 25, 2017   The 2017 National Annual Academic Conference on Clinical Transfusion was held in Ningbo

The 2017 National Annual Academic Conference on Clinical Transfusion grandly convened in Ningbo. Members of the CSBT’s Working Party on Clinical Transfusion, and nearly 240 delegates from all over the country assembled to discuss the future and trends of blood transfusion.

17. November 14, 2017   The 2017 National Blood Management Conference was held in Tianjin

The requested that all localities maintain their sense of urgency, take the opportunity to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress, follow the guidance of the new development concept and, as directed by the strategy of Healthy China and the principles of “scientific development, overall coordination, accessible fairness, safety and effectiveness”, promote the safety of the blood supply to the depths, improve the long-term working mechanism of voluntary blood donation with government leadership, departmental cooperation and the participation of the whole society, further strengthen the construction of legal organization, improve the blood banks’ operation guarantee mechanism, the client service system, and the security system of blood supply, so as to promote a full and coordinated development of safe blood supply.

18. November 6-23, 2017    The 11th Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service (ECLBS)

The 11th Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service was held in Shanghai. In this three-week course, 43 directors from provincial blood centers systematically studied the industrial management of blood transfusion and the standardized management of blood banks of all levels from the perspectives of politics, technology, theory and practice. From 2008 to 2017, a total of 515 trainees have been enrolled in the course with 508 of which accredited. This includes 71 directors/vice directors/secretaries from 27 provincial/municipal/autonomous regional blood centers, and 444 directors or vice directors from 214 prefectural blood banks.

19. November 23, 2017   Blue Book of Blood Collection and Supply Service (2017) launched

A book launching ceremony for Blue Book of Blood Collection and Supply Service: China Blood Transfusion Industry Development Report (2017) was held in Shanghai.

Eighty-three experts and scholars in blood transfusion industry wrote this 2017 edition. It systematically analyzed and summarized the current situation, characteristics, problems and trends of Chinese blood transfusion industry in recent years from an academic perspective.


20. November 25-28, 2017 The 28th ISBT Regional Congress was held in Guangzhou

The 28th Regional Congress of the International Society of Blood Transfusion was co-organized by the Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion and Guangzhou Blood Center. Dr. Wang Hesheng, deputy director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) and director of the Medical Reform Office of State Council attended the conference and delivered a speech. November 25th was designated as China Day. The conference received 350 Chinese abstracts and 740 English abstracts, invited 55 Chinese and foreign experts to present, recommended 66 excellent abstracts for oral presentations, held 16 plenary reports, 66 parallel reports, 2 seminars, and 2 working meetings, and recommended 664 English abstracts for posters and 350 Chinese abstracts for electronic posters.

21. December 7, 2017    The 4th National Leadership of Blood Services Forum was held in Ningbo

Over 300 delegates from more than 200 blood banks of 28 provinces and municipalities nationwide participated in the 4th National Leadership of Blood Services Forum, the theme of which is “Construction and Development of the Blood Banks”. At the forum, delegates discussed in-depth on blood bank management, voluntary blood donor recruitment, informatization construction, emergency support, performance management, and logistics support.

22. November 2017   Civilization Office of the CPC announced the winners’ list of the 5th National Civilization Unit

The winners’ list of the 5th National Civilization Unit was officially announced. Baise Central Blood bank, Guizhou Blood Center and Changsha Blood Center of Hunan Province were awarded with honorary titles. Shanghai Blood Center retained its honorary title of National Civilization Unit.

23. December 12, 2017   Shenzhen Lions Clubs Launched "Red Action" to support voluntary blood donation

With a theme of “Life Relay Red China”, the 8th Red Action campaign by Shenzhen Lions Clubs kicked off in Shenzhen. The past seven Red Action campaigns since 2011 have recruited 266 service teams, raised 1.61 million CNY, and donated 4 “Lion” blood donation vehicles, organized 317 donation events with a total of 11.73 million milliliter of blood collected from 33,476 donors.

24. December 18, 2017   Musical "I Will Be With You" awarded

Supervised by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) and hosted by the Chinese Population Culture Progmotion Association, the 15th Chinese Population Culture Award (Stage Art category) awarding ceremony was held in Beijing. The first voluntary blood donation musical “I will be with you”, recommended by Shanghai, was selected as a winner of Excellence Awards in the Drama Stage Art category.

25. 2017 Top 10 News and Top 10 Popular News of Chinese blood transfusion industry

Top 10 News of Chinese Transfusion Industry, voted by CSBT council members

1. Twenty-four branches were established in CSBT

2. The 28th Regional Congress of the ISBT held between November 25 and 28, 2017 at Guangzhou

3. Blue blood of blood collection and supply services: Annual Report on Development of China’s Transfusion Industry (2017) was released in Shanghai.

4. The national main event for the 14th World Blood Donors Day (WBDD) was celebrated in Xi’an, Shanxi Province.

5. The national blood quality and safety technology inspection was carried out in 2017

6. The 2nd publicity campaign of voluntary blood donation named “Light Up China” was held successfully.

7. CSBT completed the compilation of Guidelines for Blood Safety Technical Inspection (Blood Station Section) 

8.  Special Love Metros came into service to disseminate of popular science on voluntary blood donation in Changsha, Hunan Province and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, respectively on June 14, 2017.

9. The 4th Oriental Conference of Transfusion Medicine was held in Shanghai 

10. Commendation Conference of National Health and Family Planning Commission was convened in August 2017.


Top 10 Popular News of Chinese Transfusion Industry, voted by readers online

1. Red Action proposed by Shenzhen Lions Club helped voluntary blood donation

2. National Clinical Transfusion Annual Academic Conference 2017 was held in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province

3. The first publicity musical I Will Be With You about voluntary blood donation in China won award. 

4. The 4th Oriental Conference of Transfusion Medicine was held in Shanghai 

5. The national main event for the 14th World Blood Donors Day (WBDD) was celebrated in Xi’an, Shanxi Province.

6. The 2nd publicity campaign of voluntary blood donation named Light up China was held successfully.

7. The Scientific research projects supported by CSBT & Weigao Research Foundation in 2017 were established.

8. Special Love Metro disseminated voluntary blood donation came into service in Changsha, Hunan Province and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province.

9. Four blood services were awarded the 5th National Civilized Unit.

10. CSBT completed the compilation of Guidelines for Blood Safety Technical Inspection (Blood Station Section)



Translated by CHEN Xian, CHEN Xin, CHEN Yan, LIN Hong, SHAO Lei, TANG DingjieReviewed by JIANG Nizhen, ZHU Shanshan, MA Ling, LIN Hong, LIANG Wenbiao