
Dr Huijun ZHU Finishes Her 3-month Educational Visit in the US

Dr Huijun ZHU from Immunohemotology Platelet Lab, Shanghai Blood Center, recently finished her 3-month (from Sep. 6th ,2017 – Dec. 18th ,2017) visit at Blood Center of Wisconsin (BCW), Milwaukee, WI. She worked at the Platelet and Neutrophil Immunohemotology Laboratory directed by Dr. Brian R. Curtis, a famous expert in Platelet Immunohemotology, where she learned more than 10 tests in platelet antibody screening and identification. During this period, she also took part in the AABB 2017 Annual Meeting and 28th Regional Congress of ISBT (Guangzhou) to give poster and oral presentations, respectively. 

Dr Zhu benefited a great deal from this visit. “Not only the techniques I’ve learned”, she said, “but also the way people at BCW work and think, and the great experience of communicating with first-class experts there made everything worthwhile.” She also wishes to establish a diagnostics lab in Shanghai Blood Center for detection of platelet antibodies, as it is of great clinical importance.

Reported by Huijun Zhu

Edited by Kurt Lee