The 2017 Annual Management Review meeting was held at Shanghai Blood Center (SBC) on February 7th . The meeting was chaired by Lu Taohong (President of SBC) and attended by 16 other people including Zou Zhengrong (Party Secretary of SBC), Lin Junjie (Vice President of SBC), Qian Kaicheng (Medical Director of SBC), Xu Zhong (management representative of SBC) and heads of other departments .
Lu Taohong delivered positive feedbacks about the operation of the 2017 SBC quality management system. He commented that the SBC quality management system can recognize changes of both internal and external factors related to the quality system and make timely adjustment accordingly. The quality program was generally understood by the staff and its objectives have been achieved. The entire process of collecting and supplying blood met all regulatory requirement. The resources of blood service operation received adequately protection. Staff in charge of management, operations and verification at different levels all had clear understanding about their functions, responsibilities and the relationship to each other. The quality of blood and blood components all conformed to “the requirements of blood quality of whole blood and blood components”. There was improvement in the quality of the customer services for the blood collection and supply processes. The results of the internal audit indicated that the operation of the SBC quality system had reached a satisfactory level and had satisfied the requirement of the external suppliers. In conclusion, SBC’s 2017 quality management system are in compliance with the requirements of the "One Laws and Two Regulations", GB / T19001: 2016, "Standards for Blood Bank and Blood Transfusion Institutions" and has a mechanism for continuous improvement. The activities and results of the quality management system are in line with requirement of the relevant documents. The operation of the quality management system is robust, effective and appropriate and consistent with the strategic direction of the blood center.
In addition, Lu Taohong fully affirmed the hard work done by various departments over the past year. Finally, he proposed new objectives and directives for quality work in 2018: First, SBC will give priority to a task assigned by the National Health and Family Planning Commission Department of Medical Safety and Blood to organize the revision of "Blood Stations Technical Code of Practice". Second, he hopes all departments should learn from the quality incidents from the past, to have better control through improvement of the work-flow and policies, to reduce human errors through better systems. Third, in order to become a national leader in blood service quality system, SBC will take a solid detailed-oriented approach in its pursuit of excellence in its quality works.
Qian Kaicheng gave an update about the progress of obtaining AABB accreditation. He discussed plans for overcoming remaining obstacles in this process. He will follow-up with AABB headquarters.
Xu Zhong delivered a comprehensive overview of SBC’s quality management system operation in 2017. His review included contents in the following areas: changes of both internal and external factors, the completion of the quality policy and quality objectives, quality management system internal and external quality monitoring results, external supplier performance, measures to deal with risks and opportunities, AABB implementation progress, effectiveness of the quality management system operation, etc.
A total of seven departments (Donor and Hospital Service Department、Testing Laboratory department、Quality and Regulatory Compliance department, Logistics Services Department, Information Management Department, Human Resources Department, Reference and HLA laboratory) presented their reports on quality work responsibility assignment and implementation results, sub-goals of quality system and results of annual assessment of quality system performance, measures taken to deal with risks and opportunities, and quality improvement projects in 2018.
Reported and photographed by Ca Yin
Translated by Yang Jianhao
Edited by Kurt Lee
Quality review by the head of different department
Mr Zhong Xu, management representative of SBC, summarizes the QMS operation in 2017
Professor Kaicheng Qian, Medical Director of SBC, gave an update of the AABB accreditation process

Mr. Taohong Lu, President of SBC, discussing the requirement and work plans for quality work in 2018