
The Ninth Transfusion Science Educational Course took place in Qingpu, Shanghai

On September 5, the Ninth Transfusion Science Educational Course (TSEC) jointly hosted by Grifols, China Society of Blood Transfusion (CSBT) and Shanghai Blood Center/WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services (SBC) took place in Qingpu, Shanghai. Chairman of CSBT Professor Yongming Zhu, President of Shanghai Blood Center Mr. Hongtao Lu, and Grifols General Manager from Region of China Mr. Joan Cornella attended the opening ceremony and gave their speeches.

This course was purely academic in order to educate people and improve their skills so they would be competent to provide blood transfusion services. The course was designed for training people who had expertise in blood transfusion, so CSBT and SBC set it as an additional training course as part of the Educational Course for the Leaders of Blood Services (ECLBS). Most people who attend the course were former graduates from ECLBS. The number of participants of this meeting had exceeded 100.

This training course mainly focused on topics related to residual risk of TTI and how to enhance blood safety and availability in our country. Some of the experts from here and abroad attended the meeting and gave lectures. These experts included Dr. Brain Custer, vice president of the Institute of Blood System in the United State, Dr. Yanyun Wu, Director of Bloodworks Medical Science at Northwestern Region of the United State, Professor Lunan Wang from National Center for Clinical Laboratories, Professor Yongshui Fu from Guangzhou Blood Center, Dr. Lei Li from Taiwan Blood Foundation and Professor Yongming Zhu, Professor Zhengrong Zou, Professor Ziyan Zhu from SBC. Trainees had obtained new knowledge and skills to practice blood safety through two days of learning.

Reported by Xun Wang

Translated by Hong Liu

Scene of meeting

Scene of meeting