
7th round of Education course for Leadership opens in Shanghai

On September 2nd, 2013, the 7th Education Course for Leadership of Blood Services opened in Shanghai. This course is held by Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion(CSBT), Shanghai Blood Center (World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Transfusion Services), AABB (the former American Association of Blood Banks) and International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT). Zhu Qingsheng, the former deputy Minister of Health, now Chairman of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Guo Yanhong, Deputy Director General of Medical Administrative Authority, National Health and Family Planning Commission of PRC, Qu Jieming, Deputy Director General of Health and Family Planning Commission of Shanghai, Dai Suna, Secretary-General of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Ms. Judith Chapman, Chief Executive Officer of International Society of Blood Transfusion, and Zhu Yongming, President of Shanghai Blood Center, all attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided by Wang Ying, secretary of Communist Party group in Shanghai Blood Center. 

There have been 6 rounds of the course held in Shanghai during the year 2008 to 2012. 278 participants have been recruited, among which 273 graduated. 50 trainees came from blood centers in 25 provinces, cities and autonomous regions, and 223 people came from 155 minicipal blood station, covering 29 provinces in total geographically. The 7th seminar will last for 17 days, participated by 50 trainees from 19 provinces. They are of various career backgrounds, including long-term chief operator of blood station, director of blood station, and administrative staff. Despite of the diversity of academic background and working experiences, they will share the methods of managing orientation of blood station and ordinary business concerning blood bank. They will also share the professional study results of relative field, as well as the future development and prospect. 20 experts from China, U.S., Holland and Australia will join them in this seminar. 

On the opening ceremony, Dr. Zhu Qingsheng highly commended the quality and effect of ECLBS in the opening ceremony. He expressed the hope that trainees will get free from their daily work and focus on the study as trainee through the course. Trainees shall set their mind fully on the discussion and communication with colleagues and experts and localize the learnt knowledge in one’s own working environment by effectively applying the experience into practice. Zhu also hoped that the teachers and speakers to be responsible by preparing as best as they can to provide the most excellent class and making sure that the edge-cutting discovery and information being passed to the audience, so that their horizon of knowledge would be widen and level raised. By closure, Dr.Zhu, expressed the gratitude to leader from all supportive organizations, especially Shanghai Blood Center that held this seminar. 

Deputy secretary Guo Yanhong commented that ECLBS played a significant role in the progress of blood management in China. She spoke highly of Shanghai Blood Center, which devoted greatly to hold this course. She believes that with comprehensive and well-designated courses, the seminar can help participating director of various blood center with quality check of safety and quality check of blood products and transfusion, which holds considerable promise for regular operation of blood center, such as blood collection. The safety of blood use was emphasized specially by Guo during her talk. 

Deputy director Qu Jieming, on behalf of Health and Family Planning Commission of Shanghai, expressed the welcome to all arriving leaders and representatives, as well as the firm support from health sectors in various places all around China. He wished a great success for this course and hoped that Shanghai Blood Center, the organizer, will accomplish every aspects of the course as always, and further enhance the communication with concerning organizations so as to make combinative effect to the development of blood transfusion industry in China. 

Ms. Judith Chapman, the CEO of ISBT, who came from long distance afar for our course, told the audience that she had participated in the 3rd round of ECLBS and it was pleased to be back and see for herself how the course has progressed. And ISBT was pleased to be able to start supporting the course since 2011, and sees the course as as important element in shaping future leaders of the blood services in China. It was hoped that by holding similar courses, all aspects of transfusion medicine would be strengthened to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply for now and future generations. 

Dr. Zhu Yongming, Presidentof Shanghai Blood Center, expressed the heartfelt gratitude for leaders came to the opening ceremony, and sent the warm welcome to the participating trainees from different places afar. He briefly introduced the background and objective for holding the course. And on behalf of Shanghai Blood Center, he promised the uppermost effect in designing curriculum and organizing the teaching staff, in order to provide high-quality education and service for traineethe trainees. 

In the first class of the course, President Zhu briefly reviewed the history of past 6 rounds of the course and shared more detailed information of the enrollment, curriculum, and characteristics compared with former courses. He hoped that trainees to reflect advice or suggestion about relative business or class, as long as they have any, to help improve the work of organizing committee. 

Besides, the course has received support from companies from home and abroad, with leaders from some of them attended the opening ceremony in person, and sent their congratulations. 

                                                                                                            Translated by DING Dan, Reviewed by JIN Ye