
7th round of Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service was rounded off

Under the support of National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Shanghai Blood Center, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Transfusion Services and AABB (the former American Association of Blood Banks) signed a cooperation agreement in 2006, and ISBT started supporting the course since 2011. There were 50 representatives came from 19 provinces or cities participated in the course. From the first round in 2008 to the seventh round today, 328 participants have been recruited among which 323 graduated. They were 54 directors/deputy directors from blood centers in 26 provinces and 269 leaders from blood stations in 171 cities. The closing ceremony of 7th round of Education Course for Leadership for Blood Service was held in Shanghai on September 18th 2013. 

Sun Shaozhong, Vice chairman of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Zhu Yongming, Director of Shanghai Blood Center, Wang Ying, Party secretary of Shanghai Blood Center, Liu Jiang, Director of Beijing Blood Center, Guo Yongjian, Director of Fujian Blood Center and the class monitors of last six rounds of courses participated in the ceremony. The closing ceremony was chaired by Party secretary of Shandong Blood Center Qin Jingmin who was the monitor of this course. 

Sun Shaozhong laid emphasis on the importance of blood safety and congratulated the trainees on completing the course. He highly commended this course and the curriculum for its novelty and practicability, fully affirmed the attitude of hard working and the cohesion of the trainees and expressed his gratitude for hard work of Shanghai Blood Center and support of the sponsors. 

Zhu Yongming expressed his heartfelt thanks for the support and trust to SBC from NHFPC, CSBT, AABB and ISBT. He summarized the curriculum setup, experts’ invitation, students enrollment and organization of this course and praised trainees for their solidarity and friendship. He hoped that they would keep in touch and help each other in the future, and make practical use of what they learned here in their work. He also expressed his gratitude for the support and efforts from all the people. 

The organizer and trainee representatives exchanged souvenirs. After that, Zhu Yongming conferred the certificates of appreciation to the course service personnels and Liu Jiang who was chairman of the management committee of the second course. Sun Shaozhong awarded appointment letter to Guo Yongjian, chairman of the management committee of the third course and director of Fujian Blood Center. 

At last, the leaders issued certificates of completion to the trainees. Accompanied by the class anthem composed by one of the trainees named ‘get together with real sentiments and write a miracle’, 7th round of Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service rounded off in the heartwarming atmosphere. 

Translated by LI Ruishu, reviewed by CHENG Yuan