
The National Haemovigilance Consultation Meeting Was Held in Shanghai

The national Haemovigilance Consultation meeting was held in Shanghai on October the 29th in 2013. The meeting was hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and was undertaken by Shanghai Blood Center. Qu Jieming, Deputy Director of Shanghai Health and Family Planning Committee, Shan Ouqi, Deputy Director of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Dr. Neelam Dhingra, Coordination Officer of Blood Safety, WHO Headquarter, Dr Anuj Sharma, Responsible Officer, The Western Pacific Region of WHO, Zhu Yongming, Director of Shanghai Blood Center, and experts from about 40 blood centers, central blood stations and hospitals attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was moderated by Zhu Yongming. 

Haemovigilance is an important part of the blood management system, through monitoring the whole blood transfusion chain from blood donors to recipients, and collecting all the blood safety related events, verification, investigation, analysis and reporting in order to effectively reduce, prevent and correct the adverse reactions and the occurrence of adverse events or happening again and promote the blood safety. 

More than 60 experts in blood transfusion attended the meeting and discussed blood safety early warning and related topics. At the opening ceremony, Qu Jieming emphasized the necessity and importance of blood safety early warning work. Dr Neelam Dhingra Highly appreciated China in carrying out blood safety early warning work actively. 

After the opening ceremony, the meeting officially started, holding for two days, pointed 5 panel discussions, including the WHO and China HV policy, blood transfusion and HV monitoring technology, publicity of blood donation without compensation, China HV guide discussion, the meeting summary, etc. 

  Translated by Cai Yin     Reviewed By Li Qin

Leaders from SHFPC, CSBT, WHO attended the opening ceremony