
8th round of Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service was rounded off

Under the support of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Shanghai Blood Center, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Transfusion Services, AABB (the former American Association of Blood Banks) and ISBT, the 8th round of Education Course for Leadership for Blood Service was rounded off in Shanghai on December 2nd 2014. Sun Shaozhong, Vice chairman of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, Yan Bo, Director of Medical Affairs Office of Health and Family Planning Commission of Shanghai, Zhu Yongming, Director of Shanghai Blood Center, Dai Suna, Secretary-General of Chinese Society of Blood Transfusion, and the class monitors of last seven rounds of courses participated in the ceremony. The closing ceremony was chaired by Director of Chongqing Blood Center He Tao who was the monitor of this course. 

The 8th seminar lasted for 16 days and 19 experts from China, USA and Belgium joined in this seminar. The seminar included 22 courses belonging to four modules about management and quality, medical science and technology, laws and regulations and the blood bank management practices. There were 51 representatives came from 20 provinces or cities participated in the course. They were of various career backgrounds, including long-term chief operator of blood station, director of blood station, and administrative staff. Despite of the diversity of academic background and working experiences, they shared the methods of managing orientation of blood station and ordinary business concerning blood bank. They also shared the professional study results of relative field, as well as the future development and prospect. From the first round in 2008 to the 8th round today, 379 participants have been recruited among which 374 graduated. 

Translated by LI Ruishu