In the afternoon of Dec.19, 2014, The 8th Shanghai WHO Cooperation Center (WHOCC) Director Meeting was held in the International Cooperation Center of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M). Xu Jianguang, President of Shanghai University of T.C.M delivered a speech at the meeting.
Firstly, Shi Jianrong, Vice President of Shanghai University of T.C.M, director of the Collaborating Center for Traditional Medicine (CCTM), introduced the CCTM and the Director Meetings of the First Western Pacific Region of WHOCC. Subsequently, the participants made discussions and exchanges in terms of how to win more support from WHO, how to combine the work of WHO and the daily work of the Institution, how to strengthen exchange and cooperation among the various centers at home and abroad, and how to promote effective communication with the WHO Headquarters and the Western Pacific Region departments.