
2017 Foreign Transfusion Medicine Continuing Education Contest Closed

In order to better broaden the knowledge of SBC staff in transfusion medicine and to improve technical skill, we have introduced courses from the AABB website, including the CT、PBM、and HV courses. With SBC leadership’s support, the human resource department, SBC Union and Shanghai Institute of Blood Transfusion decided together to jointly hold a study contest, so as to appreciate the joys of scholarship.

This study is the largest, longest and includes the most courses among studies this year. From July to October, eight lecturers (Zhu Ziyan, Yang Ying, Ye Luyi, Wang Chen, Zhang Bo, Yang Jie, Sun Jie, Sun Jie and Xie Dongfu) delivered eight courses. All lecturers are from the research and blood services departments. Because this study is from AABB, lecturers not only translated the study materials but also edited them, so as to improve study efficacy.

After four months of study, the eight lecturers selected several classical questions to provide SBC staff remote online answering. 270 staff members attended 1232 times.125 staff attended six times or above. 18 staff attended five times. 127 staff attended four times or less. Meanwhile, the contest created a good study atmosphere.

Over the years, according to its development goals and requirements, the human resource department has been constantly exploring innovative approaches towards training and education. This competitive study is a trailblazing experiment that represents the continuous search for breakthroughs in training. 

Reported and photographed by Leng Wenbiao
Translated by Ma Guohao

Edited by Kurt Lee