
The 2015 CITIC Annual Meeting and Blood Transfusion Infection Risk Prevention and Control Technology

The 2015 CITIC annual meeting and blood transfusion infection risk prevention and control technology seminar was held in Dalian during September 22nd to 25th. This meeting was jointly organized by Dalian Blood Center and Shanghai Blood Center. Vice director of China Society of Blood Transfusion, party secretary of SBC Zhu Yongming, director of Dalian Blood Center An Wanxin, director of Shanghai Institution of Blood Transfusion Qian Kaicheng, director of laboratory of immunology in Center for Clinical Laboratory Wang Lunan attended the opening ceremony which was chaired by party secretary of Dalian Blood Center Liang Xiaohua. 

The purpose of this meeting was to strengthen the exchange of domestic blood transfusion services, explore new developments in the field of prevention and control of infectious diseases in blood transfusion, and promote the domestic blood screening quality to act on international convention. 

An Xinwan made a speech of welcome to the experts and leaders as well as colleagues at the meeting. He pointed out that CITIC project established an effective platform for common communication for the national blood collection and supply institutions and has achieved remarkable results. He also hoped that this meeting would promote cooperation and exchanges with the national blood collection agencies. 

Zhu Yongming expressed cordial greetings to the participants and introduced original intention and the course of development in 5 years. 

Topics for this meeting were current issues of concern included latest research progress of infection risk of HIV, HBV, HCV and parasite, donors recall back strategy, nucleic acid testing quality control and so on. Domestic famous experts in the field of risk prevention and control of infectious blood transfusion were invited to give lectures, including vice director of China Society of Blood Transfusion Zhu Yongming, director of Shanghai Institution of Blood Transfusion Qian Kaicheng, professor Wang Lunan from Ministry of Health, professor Xiao Yao from Center for STD / AIDS prevention and control in Center for Disease Control and Prevention, professor Liang Xiaohua from Dalian Blood Center, professor Li Chengyao from Southern Medical University, professor Chen Junhu from Parasite Control Institute in Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Researcher Wang Xun from SBC Subject of infectious diseases, professor Li Wei from Chongqing Blood Center, professor Rong Xia from Guangzhou Blood Center, professor Deng Xuelian from Dalian Blood Center, and associate professor Zhang Li from Dalian Blood Center. 

95 participants were from 20 blood centers and 32 blood banks. They would learn and make full communication in the next 3 days. 

Translated by LI Ruishu