
Talks between CSBT and AABB

To strengthen the cooperation and communication, a constructive talk was held between CSBT and AABB at Basel, Switzerland, in the morning of June 24, 2019.


Early in April 2006, CSBT, AABB and Shanghai blood center (SBC) had signed a cooperation agreement on the joint founding of an education training program for practitioners of Chinese blood establishments. The program named Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service (ECLBS) was launched in 2008. By the end of 2018 ECLBS had been held for 12 sessions and over 550 leaders of the blood establishments had participated in this systematic education and communication course. Then in 2009 and 2015, CSBT, AABB and SBC respectively signed new cooperation agreements, which further expanded the scope of cooperation, such as translation and publication of AABB Standard Guideline in China.


After a constructive talk, both sides confirmed that a new cooperation agreement should be signed soon to consolidate the pre-existing cooperative project and explore for new cooperation projects and ways. The focus areas in the near future are personnel exchange, clinical transfusion, patient blood management (PBM), etc.




Reported by the CSBT Secretariat

Translated by TANG Dingjie;

Reviewed by MA Ling, JIANG Nizhen