
The 12th ECLBS was held in Shanghai.

The 12th Education Course for Leadership of Blood Service (ECLBS), co-organized by CSBT, Shanghai Blood Center, AABB, ISBT and WHO Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services, was held in Shanghai on November 8, 2018. ECLBS is a course aimed to raise leadership and professionals in blood service so as to promote the industry and discipline constructions. 


From 2008 to 2017, eleven courses have been held. A total of 515 trainees have been enrolled, covering 31 provinces all over the country. Forty-four trainees from 16 provinces and municipalities attended this year’s course. They are either directors having long working experience in blood establishments or newcomers appointed to leadership. Meanwhile, 19 experts and scholars who have been engaged in transfusion medicine, immunology and management were invited to teach. Despite their different professional background and working experiences, trainees were confident to understand blood establishments business, command the management methods, and know the present research status in transfusion medicine by this ECLBS training.


Translated by ZHU Rui;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan,JIANG Nizhen