
Wuhan Blood Center Fighting the Pandemic at the Front


Blood collection in Wuhan hit hardest since the lockdown of the city on January 23. Fortunatelyblood continuously delivered from blood establishments inside and outside the province timely aided Wuhan.


Facing the difficulties, Wuhan Blood Center made rapid changes in recruitment, especially for regular donors. Besides increasing publicity, blood donation appointment by telephone, vehicle transfer service and even door-to-door service of blood donation vehicle were offered. Donate Together, the so-called Wuhan mode   is that residents could donate blood just by stepping up onto the blood donation vehicle waiting at the entrance and exit space of community considering the risks and safety for them. The good news is that since March, there has been 1,298 people from 45 community groups donated blood by this mode and a total of 400,000 mL of blood have been collected. Meanwhile, at the end of January, Wuhan Blood Center has already established programs for the convalescent plasma therapy and convalescent plasma collection and preparation to help fight the pandemic.


Reported by Wuhan Blood Center

Translated by FENG Tao;

Reviewed by MA Ling, JIANG Nizhen