
Hot Blood and Spirited Youth ——Voluntary Blood Donations carried out in Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics

From October 12 to 13, a voluntary blood donation drive was organized in the College of Modern economics and Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE). A total of 203,300 mL blood has been donated by 602 students during the two-day blood donation campaign.

At the site of blood donation, students orderly queued up for registration, physical examination, blood screening and blood donation. Although most of them were novice donors, they all expressed their pride to be able to fight the pandemic and help others with their blood donation.

In order to make the organization of blood donation safer and better under the pandemic, the college staff adjusted organization mode after full preparation, in spite of previous standardized and mature experience. Meanwhile, the Youth League Committee and dean office arranged numbers of volunteer students to assist. Equally, Jiangxi Province Blood Center strictly followed the protocols and requirements of group blood donations under the pandemic.

As blood is the source of life and health, blood transfusion is an indispensable and irreplaceable measure to treat diseases and save lives in modern medicine. Through blood donation, the courage and social responsibilities of JUFE students were demonstrated with their hot blood and spirited youth.


Translated by LI Wanli; Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, Jiangnizhen