
The 3rd Group Apheresis Donation is Held in Jiangsu Blood Center

During the 2021 New Year holiday, a blood donation drive themed on Love in Spring was organized in Jiangsu Blood Center(JSBC). Members from JSBC volunteer group, as well as CAI Lina, the vice director of blood donation service department in JSBC, and WANG Fang, the head of JSBC volunteer management office, donated their warm blood. In the 3-day holiday, a total of 105 Units of apheresis platelets and 800 mL of whole blood were collected from 57 volunteers, making this event a great success. 


Volunteers participating in this event routinely serve in over 20 blood donation sites across the city all the year round. They dedicate themselves without any hesitation in blood donation promotions and services as well as donor recruitment. During the 2021 New Year holidays, there were 37 volunteers giving up their vacations and participating in 63 times of voluntary activities, counting 416.45 service hours.

Translated by CHEN Xian;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen