
Expert forum held in Shanghai for Blood collection and supply institutions from the East China regio

On February 23rd, following the directives of the preparatory meeting for the East China conference, blood collection and supply institutions from the East China region’s six provinces and one city held a forum in Shanghai to discuss the issue of blood donor lookback. Twelve experts representing the six provinces and one city participated in the forum. Ms. Zhang Xi, Vice President of Shanghai Blood Center presided over the meeting.

Zhang Xi first briefed the participants on the topic. Hailing from Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Fujian provinces, the representatives engaged in heated discussion regarding the donor lookback issue from multiple angles including legislation, ethics, medicine and operational considerations. In the end, representing their institutions, the experts were able to reach a consensus on the donor lookback issue.

The meeting focused on the current hot issues for the blood collection and supply institutions. This event served to strengthen the communication between blood collection and supply institutions, promote the development of blood transfusion profession, enhance the protection of blood donors, and to futher improve blood safety.

Reported by Sun Jie
Translated by Ma Qinqin
Edited by Kurt Lee

Ms. Zhang Xi, Vice President of Shanghai Blood Center presides the meeting

Discussion in the meeting