
CSBT presents Blue Book of Blood Collection and Supply Service to its member institutions.

Annual Report on Development of China’s Blood Collection and Supply Industry, compiled by CSBT, is a book about the development of blood services. It covers a wide range of blood services and displays independent views, ideas and researches of professionals and experts. The edition 2021, with LUO Qun as the Chief Editor, GENG Hongwu the Executive Editor, GONG Jiwu the Deputy Chief Editor, discusses the development of blood services in 2020.


In order to express the gratitude to all the member institutions for their support to CSBT and their attention to this Book, and demonstrate the timeliness of the book, CSBT especially presented the Blue Book of edition 2020 and 2021 to member institutions, to make opportunity for more insiders to read, understand the latest industry development and participate in composing in the future.


Translated by FENG Yasong

Reviewed by MA Ling, JIANG Nizhen