
The First Campus Blood Donation Cabin Settled in Tianjin University

On September 24, a blood donation cabin was officially put into service in Beiyangyuan Campus, Tianjin University, which has been reported as the first blood donation cabin located in university campus all around the country. DU Hongyin, deputy director of Municipal Health Commission, ZHANG Fengbao, vice-president of Tianjin University, HAN Jinyan, member of Tianjin Red Cross Society Party Committee and vice-president, ZHANG Rongjiang, secretary of the Party Committee and director of Tianjin Blood Center attended the launching ceremony.

The cabin, more than 40 square meters, was constructed of aerospace materials with good performance in thermal insulation. It was installed with a central air-conditioning circulation system, which could avoid the demerits of bad temperature control in normal blood donation sites, under extreme weather. The cabin was spacious and bright, equipped with cozy sofas, free Wi-Fi and enough juice and snacks. Besides, it was scientifically separated into four sections: registration area, primary screening area, waiting area, and blood collection area, making it possible to serve four donors at the same time. Therefore, the cabin has improved the donation experience of college students by providing a more comfortable blood donation environment.

SHI Lei, a 2018 undergraduate from the College of Intelligence and Computing, announced his proposal for voluntary blood donation: A nation will prosper only when its young people thrive. Nowadays, college students are always the main force of voluntary blood donation, and students of Tianjin University have also been the excellent representatives among them. With the opening of the blood donation cabin in Tianjin University, students in the college town could conveniently participate in blood donation and relay their loves.

It was estimated that the city's daily clinical blood demand could be met with 600 blood donations. As a result, Tianjin blood center plans to set another 2 blood donation cabins and 1 blood donation house in 2022. In that case, there would be 36 blood donation sites all around the city, which could meet the citizens' growing willingness to donate blood, and attract more people to participate in voluntary blood donation.

Reported by Tianjin Blood Center

Translated by ZHU Nan;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen