
The Mongolian Trainee Finished International Transfusion Medicine Training Course

Ms. OyungerelBayasgalan, from Mongolia National Center for Transfusion Medicine (MNCTM), finished a 92-credit hour transfusion medicine training course at Shanghai Blood Center (SBC) during Oct 24th to Nov 13th, 2016. She received theory and practice training of transfusion transmitted infectious diseases and laboratory screening, nucleic acid detection and virus inactivation method, quality control, and clinic services. Through the curriculum, Ms. OyungerelBayasgalan improved the abilities of detecting the pathogen in blood, design the laboratory quality control standard and quality control technology. She said that she would apply the knowledgeand skill learned at SBC in Mongolia. 

The training course was sponsored by Asian Association of Transfusion Medicine (AATM), which was an association had 11 members, including India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Laos, Mongolia, Bhutan, Iran, Afghanistan, SriLanka, and Maldives. The main purpose of the organization was to increase the blood quality of its members. AATM signed a cooperation agreement with SBC on June 14th, 2015,and entrusted SBC to train blood transfusion technicians from AATM members in the future three years. In 2016, AATM sponsored Ms. Gloriana Belo from Baucau Blood Center, Timor-Leste, as the first trainee of the project. Ms. OyungerelBayasgalanwas the second grantee of the project. 

SBC was one of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services(WHOCC-BTSs), one duty of the WHOCC-BTSs was to provide education and training programs for leaders, managers and technical staff of the blood transfusion services in the region. SBC carried out Vietnam blood project training course in 2009, and accepted advanced students from MNCTM learning at SBC in 2013 and 2015. "Asian Rare Blood Group Seminar" co-sponsored by MNCTM and SBC was held in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, during Aug 19th to 20th, 2016. In the seminar, SBC and AATM emphasized that they would enhance the international training and communion among blood transfusion medicine technicians. 

Mongolia was an important country located in the Belt and Road (B & R) region. The training course met the requirement of “The Three-year Project of Health Exchange and Cooperation to Advance B & R” made by National Health and Family Planning Commission, and “the Requirement of Enhancing the Cooperation in Health Fields with B & RRegion Countries”put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping. Through the course, SBC enhanced the communion and cooperation with Mongolia blood transfusion serviceorganization, and promoted the development of transfusion service in Mongolia. 


Translated by Li Qin