
Blood Warming the Winter Olympics

In order to ensure the blood supply for the 24th Winter Olympics during the epidemic prevention and control, a blood donation event named Youth Warming the Olympics was organized in the youth center by whole blood contingency donors from the 6th geological brigade of Hebei Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Exploration, on January 21. Then, on February 10 and 11, Hebei Province Blood Center (HEBBC), as the undertaker of contingency blood supply during the Olympics, carried out several blood donation activities among contingency support teams, staff and their families.

Fight for the Olympics! In order to fulfill the blood supply mission, HEBBC has set up a total of 24 support teams, covering whole blood, component blood and rare-blood-type donors, and one of which is compose of 72 staff of HEBBC.


Source: Hebei Province Blood Center

Translated by YANG ying;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.