
The 10th Session of the 7th of CSBT Council is Held

On February 8, 2023,the 10th Session of the 7th of CSBT Council was held on line. 

During the webinar, the 2022 Work Summary, 2023 Work Plan, 2022 Financial Summary (draft) and 2023 Financial Budget of CSBT presented by President ZHU Yongming along with his personal work report were reviewed. Besides, report on the establishment of CSBT spokesman was reviewed and approved and President ZHU was designated as the spokesman.

In addition, the amendment of 2022 council members submitted by the secretariat, self-assessment of council members as well as branches, CSBT membership dues collection, and amendment of 2022 member institutions were reported.

(Translated by LIU Taixiang; Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.)