
CSBT Holds a Project Team Meeting on Blue Book of Blood Services

On November 17, a project team meeting on Blue Book of Blood Services was held by CSBT in Tianjin. 

Firstly, President ZHU Yongming reviewed the history of Blue Book and the project team. The Blue Book series has been published continuously for 8 years since its preparation in 2015 and initial release in 2016.

HU Wei, chief editor of 2023 blue book, gave a work summary of editorial board and reviewed the key points and experiences on compilation organization. GENG Hongwu, executive editor in chief, summarized the compilation process and publication status from publishing perspective. LIU Qingning, vice secretary-general, reported on the promotion and distribution. The blue book Annual Report on Development of China's Blood Collection and Supply Industry (2023) was published and distributed at the end of this June, which was the first time for the book released in the first half of the year. Mr. ZHANG Rongjiang, chief editor of 2024 blue book, reported on draft outlines and publishing plans. After discussion, the themes of each report were preliminarily determined. In addition, each chief editor of blue book from 2025 to 2028 was determined.


Date: November 20, 2023;


Translated by ZHOU Yanjun; 

reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.