
CSBT Exhibits at ISBT International Congress

The 34th Regional ISBT Congress was held from November 18 to 22 in Cape Town, South Africa, attracting over 800 delegates from 63 countries and regions. It was the second time for Regional ISBT Congress to be held on the African continent following the 19th Regional Congress in Cairo, 2009. CSBT had an exhibiting booth at this congress, which made it the second time for CSBT to exhibit at the Regional ISBT Congress since the 30th Bangkok congress in November 2019.

On June 23, 2019, CSBT had signed a cooperation agreement with ISBT in Basel, Switzerland. So far, a 5-year cooperative partnership was established in jointly organization of blood transfusion conferences, talent training, exchange of educational materials, as well as communications among branch institutions. Hence, ISBT had conducted an exhibition promotion at the 7th Blood Service Leadership Forum of CSBT.

During the congress, ISBT executive officer Ms. Jenny White and current chairman Mr. Mike Busch, along with 4 previous ISBT chairmen, visited CSBT booth.


Date: December 4, 2023;

Source: CSBT;

Translated by YE Xiayan; 

reviewed by ZHU Shanshan, JIANG Nizhen.