
Shanghai Blood Center was appointed "World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Blood T

Recently, Shanghai Blood Center (SBC) received a letter of appointment from the World Health Organization (WHO). The SBC was re-appointed as the "World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Blood Transfusion Services(WHOCC-BTSs)" and Professor Zhu Yongming would continue to serve as Director of the Center. This is the eighth term of the SBC for a term beginning on September 11, 2016 and ending on September 11, 2020.

Since its inception in 1988 as the WHOCC-BTSs, SBC has successfully completed its seven terms.In the last term (7th term), SBC has achieved remarkable results in promoting blood safety, promoting the concept of unpaid blood donation, hosting the 12th World Blood Donor Day Global Event, hosting the Global Blood Safety Conference, convening the national Haemovigilance(HV)meeting, providing blood safety training and education to underdeveloped countries or regions, establishing and promoting blood screening and blood test quality control system in the country, training in blood transfusion management and practical education, etc,and has made important contributions to the development of the West Pacific Region and the global blood safety cause.At the same time, SBC draws on the international experience, with the help of external resources, help domestic blood transfusion career development to a higher level.

Appendix: The Duty of Eighth Term of WHOCC-BTSs
1 To provide advocacy, promote cooperation and knowledge-sharing on the management of transfusion services, professional development and research and development in transfusion medicine as requested by WHO.

2 When requested by WHO, to provide education and training programs for leaders, managers and technical staff of the blood transfusion services in developing countries.

3 Under WHO’s coordination, to implement a quality control and evaluation programmes for TTI screening laboratories, and blood group reference laboratories in Western Pacific Region.

4 Under WHO’s coordination, to establish effective networks in Asian populations for rare blood exchanges, promote sharing and integration of the resources, technologies, and methods on rare blood between the network members.

Translated by Jia Yao, reviewed by Li Qin