
Working Conference for the Branch Committee Secretaries of CSBT Held in Shenyang

On August 9, 2024, the annual working conference for the branch committee secretaries of CSBT was held in Shenyang. President ZHU Yongming, deputy secretary-general LIU Qingning, 24 secretaries of all CSBT branch committees, and staff members from the CSBT secretariat, were in attendance. LIU Qingning presided over the meeting.


President ZHU initially welcomed all the secretaries to participate in this meeting, and praised that more and more young members has joined the team, bringing vibrant energy to the transfusion industry and CSBT. He demanded that each branch committees conduct self-inspection in accordance with its annual plan to ensure all tasks are fully completed. Moreover, he expected every secretary and branch committee would assume more responsibility in the operation of CSBT, and achieve outstanding results in the future.


LIU Qingning then introduced the management requirements for branch committees, encompassing relevant government regulations, the internal management principles of CSBT, as well as suggestions and demands, with the aim of laying a solid foundation for future work. Besides, she reviewed the previous requirements for the convening of the national congress of CSBT.


ZHAI Qing, the administrative director of CSBT Secretariat, introduced the preparations for the 12th National Congress of CSBT in terms of venue, accommodation, transportation, enterprise exhibition, and prepared materials and equipment.


JIANG Yingjia, the secretary of the Scientific Committee of the 12th National Congress of CSBT this year, presented its undertakings, such as the establishment of the committee, the organization of 5 major work meetings, the article submission for the congress, and the upcoming schedule.


MA Jie, HUANG Xia and WU Xuqun, respectively from CSBT/BDS, CSBT/HV and CSBT/MS, shared their valuable experiences in congress organization.


Moreover, all the secretaries lively discussed around the upcoming congress and the future work plans. LIU Qingning responded to various questions and suggestions for the delegates, and summarize the meeting at the end.


Reported by CSBT Secretariat;

Translated by QIN Pinzhi;

Reviewed by MA Ling, ZHU Shanshan.