Recently, Prof. Yongming, Zhu received an invitation letter to continue his membership on the World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Advisory Panel on Blood Transfusion Medicine from Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny (Assistant-Director General for Health Systems and Innovation, WHO). Prof. Zhu accepted the invitation with pleasure and renewed his personal data registration with WHO. Prof. Zhu has been a member of the advisory panel since 2012, and the duration of his renewed term will continue from Dec. 2016 to Dec. 2020.
Authorized by The Director General, WHO has set up many Expert Advisory Panels in different fields. The Expert Advisory Panel on Blood Transfusion Medicine has 24 members consisting of experts from all over the world. Members of the WHO expert advisory panel on Blood Transfusion Medicine should contribute by informing of technical information on developments in his or her field, and offer advice as appropriate, spontaneously or upon request. WHO will also ask the members to provide advice when releasing directions and other information. According to WHO regulations, all information and documentation to which the members may gain access in connection with or as a result of their assignment is disclosed and provided only to persons who have a need to know for the aforementioned purpose. The involved parties are bound by obligations of confidentiality and restrictions on use. Membership of expert advisory panels is voluntary and members do not receive any compensation from the Organization.
Edited by Kurt Lee