
A Successful Conclusion of the 12th National Congress of CSBT

On September 27, 2024, the 12th National Congress of CSBT officially concluded in Anhui. This congress has enrolled nearly 3,000 delegates from 31 provinces across the country, along with experts from WHO and ISBT, jointly exploring the trendencies of transfusion medicine.


At the closing ceremony, president ZHU Yongming emphasized that this congress manifested the consolidated force within the national blood transfusion field and provided free participation opportunities for 236 attendees. He also summarized that the congress has set up multiple parallel sessions and satellite symposiums, encompassing all aspects of transfusion medicine, and receiving a total of 2,167 paper and abstract submissions.


At the ceremony, president ZHU additionally presented certificates to the speakers selected for the Seedling Program and the best oral presenters at parallel sessions, and announced the best posters and the distinguished establishments with the most paper submissions. Meanwhile, he conferred gratitude letters to the organizing entities, such as Anhui Province Blood Center and the Education Committee CSBT (CSBT/EC). 


At the end of the ceremony, LIU Jiaxin, the vice president of CSBT, declared that the 13th National Congress of CSBT would be hosted by Henan Red Cross Blood Center (HRCBC). YUE Lihong, the chief of HRCBC, then made a statement, sincerely inviting all peers to the upcoming congress in Henan.


With the congress flag being handed over to HRCBC, this congress officially came to a close. It is expected that the 2026 congress in Henan will be well prepared by HRCBC, making new success to enhance the development of blood transfusion medicine.

Reported by CSBT Secretariat;

Translated by YU Xi;

Reviewed by ZHU Shanshan.